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Karmasanyasi program intends to build global leaders who will be epitome of devotion and renunciation. They will be empowered with the advanced Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma & Music.

Karmayogi program intends to build global leaders who will serve for holistic and sustainable development of the globe. They will be empowered with advanced Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma, proficiency in different Languages and Technology, General Studies & Music.

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Karmayogi program intends to build global leaders who will serve for holistic and sustainable development of the globe. They will be empowered with advanced Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma, proficiency in different Languages and Technology, General Studies and Music.


Karmasanyasi program intends to build global leaders who will be epitome of devotion and renunciation. They will be empowered with the advanced Philosophy of Sanatan Dharma and Music.

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We live our lives with the philosophy that is so deeply ingrained within us that we hardly realize it. Right wisdom leads to righteous thoughts and actions which ultimately lead to attainment of goal.

“ The soul is to be liberated from the vicious cycle of life and death. This is charity of highest order.”

ऑनलाइन सीखने

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Karmayogi & Karmasanyasi Program

Indian model of development worked for almost 16 centuries where the developmental wheels were driven by Karmayogis & Karmasanyasis. Karmayogis were at the forefront of the developmental model. Karmasanyasis guided Karmayogis but they didn’t meddle into politics. 

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COVID-19 and God!

COVID-19 has been deeply traumatic for humanity. It has led to economic setbacks, and social interactions have almost ended. In some unfortunate cases, they do not even allow the family members of those who die from complications to bid goodbye to their loved ones. Given this, it is natural for people to be aggrieved at God for the misery. But let us step back a moment and look at the position that existed in March 2020, when people and governments all over the world woke up in real earnest to this deadly menace. Do you remember the dire predictions of that time? Prominent scientists and virologists predicted that hundreds of millions of people would suffer, and the death toll would be staggering. They said that it would swamp the health systems of even rich countries; poorer countries had nothing but deeply gloomy outlooks. Many people have lost their lives, but somehow, the world seems to be getting back on its feet as we take stock of the situation in November 2020. By some miracle, the poorer countries have far fewer death ratios than many rich countries. The health systems in all countries have a far better grip on treating those affected. Even in the economic scenario, there are signs of a rebound. We are not out of the woods yet, far from it, but the situation is less bleak than it was just a few months ago. So, instead of blaming God for doing nothing, surely we should give him credit for this impressive turnaround? Before blaming God, another question - how did the virus originate? There is plenty of controversy with this, and it generates heated debates. Some say it jumped from animal wet-markets to humans and others say that evil people created it in a lab for biological warfare. Because of world politics, it may never be possible to find the reason for its origin. Yet, the world accepts that the virus originated due to man’s unnatural activities; the debate now is whether the spread of the virus was intentional or not. We cannot blame God for this; the fault lies squarely with humans. A further question - is COVID-19 the leading cause of death worldwide in 2020? Far from it. This is the list of the top causes of death till November; the figures are in millions - coronary artery disease (8.5), stroke (5.2), chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (2.7), lower respiratory tract infection, not including those caused by COVID-19 (1.8), Alzheimer and other dementia (1.8), lung cancer (1.5), diabetes mellitus (1.4), road accidents (1.2)... COVID-19 figures at number 15 on this list with 0.8 million deaths. All these deaths are painful, both for the patients and their dear ones. Yet, do we blame God for the deaths caused because of diabetes or road accidents? Let us explore another aspect of this question - unnatural death. Be clear that no death is ‘unnatural’ in the spiritual sense. When the time is up, we will have to go - it is as simple as that. Death comes in many guises, and the COVID-19 virus is just one of them. Our deaths are preordained, written on our foreheads, and nothing can change this. Not even God can change the time and manner of our deaths. But, if we are faithful to him, if our conviction in the presence and compassion of God is firm, our deaths will be relatively less painful. If our faith in him is complete, facing death will be no problem at all. We will be cheerful when the time comes. So, it will hardly profit us if we blame God for everything. Death is lying in wait for us; if not COVID-19, it will be something else. Our job as humans is to be prepared to face death.

Republic Day and the Constitution

On 26 January, we in India celebrated Republic Day. In 1950, the country adopted its new Constitution, and we celebrate this day to honor that event. This day ranks with Independence Day in its importance for the country. The Constitution reflects the reality and aspirations of its citizens and provides a framework for the country; this makes it so important. It provides a framework for the future of the country. Rules and guidelines are essential for progress in every field. Take, for example, traffic rules. Think of a world where there are no traffic rules, and people are free to drive as they please. You can imagine the carnage this will lead to. Regulations and laws enable us to rise and make progress, provided the rules are just. It is no different in the spiritual world. There is a Constitution for the soul, and it is the Vedas. It provides us with the framework we need for our spiritual journey. And unlike the Constitution of India, which has been amended several times to keep pace with changing circumstances, the Vedas are unchangeable. The Vedas are eternal; they are why the Hindu faith's correct name is Sanatan Dharma, the eternal path. Not even God created the Vedas; what is built one day will also end one day, and this is not the case with the Vedas. God manifests the Vedas from time to time, after each cycle of destruction/creation of the world. The sage Ved Vyas did not create the Vedas either; he compiled them into four parts. The word ‘Vyas’ means ‘compiler,’ not ‘creator.’ The Vedas are a complete repository of spiritual laws and outcomes. They have something in store for everyone. If you want the ultimate goal, divine bliss, the Vedas have a perfect set of guidelines for you. If you wish that your next birth is in heaven, the Vedas have the answer for that as well. If you want your next birth to be in hell, the Vedas have a formula for that too! Just do the opposite of Vedic recommendations, and a tour of hell is guaranteed. If everything is clearly spelled out in the Vedas, then all we have to do is read it thoroughly and be on our spiritual journey, right? No, it does not work that way. Let us go back to the Constitution of India. Although it is exhaustive (almost 145,000 words), how a person interprets it is sometimes open to debate. Even something as basic as what makes up fundamental rights has been debated in the past. The landmark case of Kesavananda Bharati versus the State of Kerala was one such case. In this case, the rights to religion and property, both fundamental rights, were debated up to the Supreme Court of India. It took 13 learned Supreme Court judges, the largest Constitutional bench in India’s history, to reach a conclusion. They spent over five months in the process, and the verdict was divided 7-6. Seven of the judges had one interpretation, while the remaining six had another. So is the case with the Vedas. While a person with some knowledge of Sanskrit can read it, understanding and interpreting it correctly is another matter. For instance, the word ‘atma’ occurs in the Vedas in many places. In its most common parlance, it is used to denote the soul, the individual souls of each living being. But it can also mean God, and if a person misinterprets it, the verse can have a completely different meaning. Another example – the word ‘Indra,’ another word that is common in the Vedas. Usually, it is used to denote the celestial king, the suzerain of heaven, the god responsible for rain and thunder. Yet, in certain verses, it is used to indicate God. While Indra, the king of heaven, is a mighty being, he is not the Supreme Creator. We have no memory of this, but each of us has been Indra, not just once but many times in our countless births. The point is, interpreting the Vedas requires an exceptional person. Only those who have experienced the divine can interpret the Vedas correctly. It doesn’t matter if the person is a brilliant scholar or has a sky-high IQ. If he (or she) has not realized the divine, merely reading the Vedas will lead to further confusion. It can be harmful to a person’s spiritual progress as ‘dry’ academic knowledge can lead to arrogance. And we know that arrogance is the very antithesis of spiritual progress. Thus, my message this time, like all my messages – seek a genuine guru, submit yourself fully to the guru, learn the essence of the Vedas, and set forth on your spiritual journey.

How are all life-forms similar?

Lately, our country has been going through a challenging time. The pandemic has upended our lives; most of us know someone who died or was severely affected by the virus. It brings to mind a story about Gautama Buddha’s avatar, when a weeping mother brought her lifeless child to Buddha, hoping he would do something about it. He instructed her to get alms from a household where no one had ever died; the alms from such a house, fed to the child, would bring him back to life. The mother went from door to door, but death had visited every home, and she came back empty-handed. Buddha explained that death was inevitable, but it is up to us to save ourselves from anguish and anxiety. But what is the way to be freed from sorrow? Or, at least, to find some relief from the terrible stress and anxiety that seems to rule our lives? There is a simple solution, but the tricky part is getting there. Submit your life to God; let His will prevail. How does one submit to God? The way is to align our lives with God and guru, realise their presence at all times, and serve them. The more we recognise their presence, the more we serve them, the more tranquil we will become. The gateway to the divine, the first step, is spiritual knowledge. So, regardless of what is happening in the world, we must be steady and steadfast in our spiritual quest. The topic for this article is–what is common to all life-forms? There are the common threads through all jeevas, all living beings - we all want happiness, knowledge and we do not want to die. ‘Want’ is a weak word to describe this condition; perhaps anxious or thirsting is more appropriate. It does not matter if the jeeva is a human, animal, insect, or even plant; it will have these qualities. It is easy to see these qualities in animals, a bit more obscure in insects. But plants? Do plants have feelings? It is hard to think of plants having these characteristics. Yet, studies after scientific study have shown that plants are alive as any animal and exhibit behaviour like animals. A study carried out by the University of Missouri and published in 2014, has shown that plants understand and react when they are about to be eaten. For instance, by a caterpillar. And they do not like it. This raises ethical questions: all the while, we had thought that an animal-flesh-based diet was not good for us spiritually (or even for our health), and a plant-based diet was good. Aren’t we sinning by eating a carrot? Isn’t this killing a living being? In the strictest, spiritual sense, we are sinning, even if we consume only plants and grains. This, too, is taking life. But how else will we survive? What else is there to eat? And not taking care of this precious human body is a bigger sin. Coming back to the topic - why do all living beings seek happiness, knowledge, and immortality? It is our nature to seek these; it is hard-wired in us. Everything has an essence, natural qualities that are not learnt or acquired. When all the explanations, when all the whys and wherefores about something are exhausted, its essence remains. It is the nature of all jeevas to seek these qualities, and there is a reason for this. All jeevas are a part of God. He is infinite bliss and knowledge, not to mention immortal and it is natural for the ‘part’ to seek the qualities of the ‘whole.’


Yoga is cessation of the distractions of mind.!

A physical, mental, and spiritual practice that originated in ancient India, involves a series of postures, breathing exercises, and meditation techniques that aim to promote physical strength, flexibility, and relaxation while also cultivating inner peace, mindfulness, and self-awareness.This holistic curriculum adds extra dimension to your personality through spiritual philosophy talks and meditation sessions. It enhances your intellectual capabilities.

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