
GHLP – The best 5 months of my life

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GHLP – The best 5 months of my life

In 2020, I have just completed my class XIIth exam when Covid 19 pandemic wreaked havoc in India. It was indeed a tough time as we all were facing an invisible enemy, we have never faced before, and the information of its exponential increase amalgamated with fake news led to more distress. The imposition of lock down further magnified the tormenting situation. It was in this time that the news of GHLP entered my ears. Initially, I had thought to only opt for the spiritual set. But after contemplating for some time, I felt that maybe I could not get this chance to avail ever again. A variety of courses at such low prices, smeared in the colour of spirituality– I believed this is the best one can get. And as it came out, it had better result than what I have imagined.

Waking up daily at 4.30 am for attending morning spiritual session and yoga instilled in me a habit of getting up early. Moreover, the philosophy which was served to us was inexplicable. My concept became clearer over topics such as– Importance of human life, why bad things happen to good people, destiny vs free will, etc. Prem Nidra session was an instant relief whenever I got anxious or nervous. I was also enrolled in French course. I was able to speak & read and understand basic French after the completion of course. Our mentor was so dynamic– he taught us with the help of PPTs, French textbooks, audios and YouTube videos. Moreover, I also opted for the UPSC career course. This was the best decision I had made. We were trained to relate the current global scenarios with the static part of GS papers. We also did answer writings, gave tests and our guide attended each of our responses individually. This was certainly outstanding as we rarely find this sincere attitude, even in established institutes.

Overall, it was a wonderful experience, not only because I learnt a lot, but also because it happened at a time when everything else was at standstill. The most important thing I learnt during this was – “Importance of time” and how to utilise it in the best manner possible.

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आपका ईमेल पता प्रकाशित नहीं किया जाएगा. आवश्यक फ़ील्ड चिह्नित हैं *