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Global Holistic Leadership Program Vision 2047

Is India being globalized now? Or globalization came in last 3 decades? Both are not correct. India was globalized well before Mesopotamian civilization. We were pioneers in trade, manufacturing, science, astronomy, medicine, literature, and mathematics. As a nation, we contributed 30-40% of world GDP and continued contributing till 16th century AD.

Code of life of the then India was based on four Purusharthas - Dharm, Arth, Kaam and Moksha. Artha (Material opulence) comes from Dharma (Spiritualism). This Artha was invested in Kaama with Moksha (Self-realization) being the final goal of life.

Arthshastra of Kautilya which is a thesis on Atharvaveda was the basis of our economic model that guided us for nearly 2000 years. No major massacre in the scale of two world wars took place till the world was under India’s influence. Materialism was subservient to spiritualism. Economic opulence always culminated in building temples, charities, world-class education through gurukul system of education.

Our export was not limited to trade or merchandise, we were largest exporter of knowledge, culture and tradition also which had their roots in our scriptures. Gurukul system of education that produced global ambassadors were at the forefront of our glorious past.

Till the time India was at the top in contributing the world materially and spiritually, there was political stability inside as well as outside of India. Wisdom derived from out scriptures were the basis of our public life and the same was transmitted across the border.

“ We owe a lot to Indians, who taught us how to count, without which no worthwhile scientific discovery could have been made…… .”

Albert Einstein

Reason of the Decline

We forgot the real roots of our material progress which is our spirituality, derived from Upanishads, Puranas, and other scriptures. Material opulence was spent on luxuries, expansion of power, infighting & lack of focus on welfare of people.

Series of foreign invasions brought us leaderships who were alien to our culture. Our Dharma lost patronage, resulting in decline in materialism.

Spirituality which drove the wheels of economic & political power was left in isolation restricted to some pockets in India. Yet it played a big role in cultural unification of a society politically divided. European model, American model and now Chinese model came one after another but failed with time so far as holistic and sustainable development of humanity is concerned. Because development came at the cost of colonization and exploitation.

Therefore, to keep the world progressive and sustainable, we as Indians have tremendous responsibility to bring the wisdom of our scriptures into practice as well as become global ambassadors of our spiritual heritage.

How GHLP serves this purpose?

GHLP is designed to create global ambassadors in the form of KARM YOGIS and KARM SANYASIS through world class educations on career courses on IIT JEE, NEET, CLAT, CAT, UPSC CIVIL SERVICES & CA under its aegis. GHLP provides holistic education focusing on the growth of body, mind and soul in lowest price affordable. This program is accessible, reaching out to the remotest village of India and bringing opportunities for one and all irrespective of the barriers of age, class, community, to empower them for taking up future challenges through Global Leadership.

Why 2047?

The major period of India’s spiritual and cultural decline started in early 14th century and reached its nadir by mid of 20th century. These two dates are symbolical with demise of Jagadguru Shri Madhavacharya and appearance of Jagadguru Swami Sri Kripalu Ji Maharaj respectively. Till mid of 20th century newly independent India was tottering with all its political, social, financial crisis, desperately seeking someone who will inject in its people hope and self-pride by removing the veil of ignorance. In the year 1957, Jagadguru Swami Shri Kripalu Ji Maharaj after being conferred the title of Jagadguru gifted the world a philosophy which proved to be panacea to the roots of India’s century long predicament. With all its uniqueness, the philosophy is substantiated with the tradition of Prasthantrayi. Enriched with the synthesis of science and spiritualism it also reconciles materialism and spirituality while bridging the gap between all oriental and occidental thoughts.

India is exactly 24 years away from celebrating its platinum jubilee in the year 2047. This is the year when we are going to celebrate SMJI’s 125th appearance day also. BGSM envisages India to lead the world by empowering people through GHLP which will produce global leaders in the form of KARM YOGIS & KARM SANYASIS. In the words of Swami Yugal Sharan Ji,

“Infinite universe needs earth,
The earth needs India,
India needs Sanatan Dharma,
Sanatan Dharma needs SMJI,
SMJI needs us.”

*Be a global leader*